Invasive species are defined as foreign species that alter the environment in ways that support their own existence over native species. Members of Congress were designated as invasive after they passed the DISCLOSE Act, federal legislation that limits the ability of non-profit and for-profit corporations, but not unions, to criticize incumbents, and the Federal Trade Commission issued a draft proposal to have the federal government provide "direct and indirect" taxpayer-funded bailouts of journalists with the inevitable limits on free speech that would come with such federal funding.
"Once a species with an instinct for European socialist regulatory policies begins to restrict the ability of native American species to compete in a free market of ideas," said one political environmental expert, "it becomes invasive."
Members of Congress were placed on the list behind the brown tree snake and the Chinese mitten crab amidst concerns federal representatives "might soon even crowd out cockroaches."
Associated articles: Center for Competitive Politics; Reason; Daily Caller; associated report: Federal Trade Commission